
First Therapy





Learn more about Mental Health, Psychology, and Well-being through insightful blog posts.


When Your Brain Becomes Netflix: Maladaptive Daydreaming

In this blog, Shinjan talks about what is maladaptive daydreaming. It is when your mind goes on endless, distracting fantasy adventures, making it tough to focus on real life. It's like a never-ending Netflix binge in your head!

psychologyself-improvementmaladaptive daydreaming

When Your Brain Throws a Panic Party: Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Shinjan talks about Generalized Anxiety Disorder by Sigmund Freud and the psychological aspects of excessive worry and its impact on daily life.

psychologyself-improvementGeneralized Anxiety Disorder

Why You’re Super Close to Your People: John Bowlby’s Theory!

Shinjan talks about John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory and explains how our bonds with loved ones make us feel safe, confident, and ready to explore the world!

psychologyself-improvementBowlby Attachment Theory

Kohlberg's Guide to Right vs. Wrong!

Shinjan talks about The Law of Effect, developed by Edward Thorndike and how it is a psychological principle that states behaviors followed by positive outcomes are more likely to be repeated, while those followed by negative outcomes are less likely to occur again.

psychologyself-improvementkohlberg moral development

Unlocking Success with Thorndike’s Law of Effect

Shinjan talks about The Law of Effect, developed by Edward Thorndike and how it is a psychological principle that states behaviors followed by positive outcomes are more likely to be repeated, while those followed by negative outcomes are less likely to occur again.

psychologyself-improvementThorndike’s law of effect

Piaget's Theory of Unlocking Your Brain's Superpowers

Shinjan talks about how Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development explains our thinking evolves in stages as we grow. From learning through senses as babies to abstract thinking as teens, Piaget shows how our brains level up at each stage.

psychologyself-improvementTheory of Cognitive Development

What's Really Going on in Your Head? Exploring the Mind with Freud

Shinjan dives into Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, explaining why you act, feel, dream the way you do. It’s like uncovering the secret drivers behind your thoughts and behaviors!

psychologyself-improvementPsychoanalytic Theory

The Bandura Effect: How We Learn by Watching & Doing Things

Shinjan talks about Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory that tells how we learn by watching others. From dance moves to life skills, observation helps us pick up new behaviors and ideas.

psychologyself-improvementsocial learning theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – A Guide to Leveling Up in Life

Feeling stuck chasing your dreams? In this article, Shinjan talks about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs—a game-changing psychological blueprint to level up your life!

psychologyself-improvementabraham maslow hierarchy of needs

Meet Your Shadow Self: Exploring the Mysteries of Carl Jung

Shinjan talks about Carl Jung's groundbreaking ideas on the mind, from archetypes to self-discovery that will unlock the superpower of your authentic self!

psychologyself-improvementcarl jung archetypes
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